Monday, December 9, 2013

Extremely high rate pvp server

Extremely high rate pvp server

Today I'm going to share with you with just a few screenshots from other than Dragon Network server. Can't remember the name or specification details about it, but what I can remember It gaves a lot of fun for few weeks.

Since my primary server for years was Dragon Network's Nightmare 30x and I had few breaks (once all the servers were closed because of FBI investigation, other time I had Internet problems, or I dropped items being a PK), I had a chance to try other more PVP, extreamely high rates servers.

Anyway todays screens come from one of those disposed mostly on every hour events, pvp and fun. In my opinion on servers with rates like 1000, you can have a lot of fun, but that fun with every hour getting smaller and smaller. You can go on pvp anytime, but mass killing other people eventually getting boring, right? It's great to have a alternative server, where you can try items right away, try new events, plaz with enchants, or simply kill some time while your 'primary' server is offline, or there is to much laggs, or you want to play some time alone without clan mates kick up a fuss about recent sieges (Xd) or whatever else...

Actually I am thinking right now about tring again some High Five pvp server... since my old screenshots achive is almost empty :D


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