Thursday, November 14, 2013

The memory remains

Since there were days with a lot of server downtime, you could always start on any other else. Now I can't even count how many characters I've created over those years. What I can say, every time it was whole a different story. And almost every time as much fun as the second time. 1st time was pretty difficult, and I think I would never play this game if someone did not tell me the basics. Like I am showing up at 1st level in Dwarfs Village and saying 'Where the f*** are people', 'I need to buy soulshots? DAFAQ is this?' - that game was pretty complicated when I was starting it, now you need to read like 500-pages manual.

Don't know if I should write this, but this guy, I mean blonde with bow and in MJ heavy, was playing on this server long before me, and what I know he's playing till this day... on other character, so only few will ever know this is he. Anyways he is pretty popular player so there is a chance some old L2 players will know who I am talking about. :D

Look at those nicks. Funny thing. That screenshot was taken in 2007 and here are 2 League of Legends champion names: Olaf and Ahri. I think it was long before LoL, for sure long before LoL for me... Correct me if I am wrong. :D

Doom Knight eating apples ... on the tree :P

Look carefully, the cheapest bow in Lineage 2 :P

Yep, I am Hell Knight. While we are talking about quests... I am thinking now about old retail quest and nobless, where you had to spend some time making it. I think the more complicated it was the more satisfaction and fun it gives. Well for sure that was not for everyone, but if you ask me it was much better that way, then make possible to do retail and Nobless quests in one day.

Eghhh I was very creative with that nickname (not first, not last time). :)

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